Two snow storms and never over 32 degrees...
Each day is like this, beautiful and clean.
One of the big events of the holiday season is the Christmas Eve walk on Canyon Road! All the gallery owners decorate their shops with ferralitas and strings of lights. Many even have bon fires and hot cider for everyone. The walk is a few miles long once you get to Canyon Road and walk all the way up it.
The 21 degree weather is not a deterrent to many families. There had to be a few 1000 people who made the walk from sun set to midnight on Christmas Eve.
Rachael McBroom, Tommy and me!
Steve and I
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Studio J
Studio J memberships make a great gift for yourself or a lived one!! Contact me or order directly through my on line shopping cart to the left. There is still time to shop ;o)
Monday, December 12, 2011
Club Tag swap
Our first tag swap was great! Everyone created beautiful Holiday gift tags; club members: Andrea, Mary, Wendy, Sara (and myself). Way to go ladies!
Some fun Roxie ideas!
Use the Roxie Close To My Heart My Reflections paper packet to create some great Valentines Day cards or even Holiday cards. There is still time, contact me now to order or go to my shopping cart on the left to order directly from my online shopping.
We got them!!

Even standing on a planter did not get us a good view. But we stayed till the very end.
Tori Hunter (one of my favorite players) and Coach Mike Sciosci. Two very funny guys! By this time there were only a very few fans left. What a great time Sara and I had!!
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Be Ready!
Get ready for Valentine's Day with this cute Stamp of the Month set. Don't miss out on a great $17.95 set for only $5!! By placing a Close to My Heart
order of $50 or more you may purchase this CTMH exclusive SoM set for
only $5! Each set comes with a color photo of ideas. Helpful hints and
supply lists can be found on line through my web site under the shopping
area. Remember each Close To My Heart Stamp of The Month is only available for one month. Be sure to order now!!
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Gift idea!
Click on my Studio J area on the left to get started! Remember with Studio J you can print as many of the same layouts as you need! Great gift ideas!!
What's inside...?
Don't miss the December club gathering to see what's inside and learn how to make a Double Slider card! Everyone is welcome, club member or not. *Club members who are unable to attend, this kit will not be in your December orders. I will have a kit ready for you at our next crop and walk you through it then :o)
Supplies for the gathering:
Inks: Black distressing, black, Tulip * Remember if you have the inks, please bring them. This way you can be distressing while waiting for the stamp.
Corner rounder, Piercing kit, glue dots, strong adhesive, (MS) score board, circle punch, ~ To make the Birthday card: Hooray Bouquet D1491, Art Philosophy Celebration Z1686, Blocks & stamp cleaner. *Also; in case you would like another type saying Say it In Style D1283 and-or A Little Thanks D1444 are always good to bring.
Supplies for the gathering:
Inks: Black distressing, black, Tulip * Remember if you have the inks, please bring them. This way you can be distressing while waiting for the stamp.
Corner rounder, Piercing kit, glue dots, strong adhesive, (MS) score board, circle punch, ~ To make the Birthday card: Hooray Bouquet D1491, Art Philosophy Celebration Z1686, Blocks & stamp cleaner. *Also; in case you would like another type saying Say it In Style D1283 and-or A Little Thanks D1444 are always good to bring.
Friday, December 2, 2011
After a small blog vacation of 3 days in Vegas, a day at Disneyland and an all nighter of Black Friday shopping, (not to mention the turkey day it's self) it is time to settle back down to blogging. I hope to keep you all updated on fun stuff in the stamping world :o)
S1112 Mad About You, December 2011 Stamp Of The Month
Get ready for Valentine's Day with this cute Stamp of the Month set. Don't miss out on a great $17.95 set for only $5!! By placing a Close to My Heart order of $50 or more you may purchase this CTMH exclusive SoM set for only $5! Each set comes with a color photo of ideas. Helpful hints and supply lists can be found on line through my web site under the shopping area. Remember each Close To My Heart Stamp of The Month is only available for one month. Be sure to order now!!
Ask me how...
"How do I receive this?" you ask. Just bring your Club punch card to be punched at any Club event. This maybe your gift when your Club card has $200 in punches! Out of our area? I keep punch cards for all our out of the area (state) ladies. You can still be a part of our Club and receive all the benefits! Contact me about joining one of our clubs now!
Monday, November 14, 2011
Nov. Create & Take
All Close To My Heart products were used!
This tri-fold card was made by:
Scoring your Desert Sand cs every 3"
Direct ink to paper with Desert Sand ink, then you may wish to sponge dauber the edges of all paper for a more softer look.
Remember to use your Close To My Heart markers for the direct paper to ink on the flower (Pacifica) and scallop boarders (Desert Sand & Pacifica).
Sets used: Love Life D1482 and Say It in Style D1283
Inks: Pacifica & Desert Sand
Club member who missed our club in Nov will receive this kit with your Nov orders. The pre cut tags and boards are from the Close To My Heart Cricut Art Philosophy cartridge.
More Nov. PWS photos
Create an accordion Kraft card book with the Elemental MY Reflection papers! I have created two great designs for you to choose from or make them both!
The top (LOVE) shows a page layout from book number one. The bottom (DREAM) is from the book using the Disney stamps and the Elemental papers. (The stamp set can be seen below in the Nov. 10th blog entry).
Each book is only $13.00. This workshop will be held on Wed. Nov. 30 both morning and evening, then again on Sat Dec 3 at our fun Crop & Project Day. Please view all the details in the club section on the right of my blog :o)
Thursday, November 10, 2011
November PWS
This PWS includes all your pre cut papers as well as 1 whole sheet of the Color Ready Alphabets Cork letters and 6 Deco Journaling Spots pockets. Please see the club events on the right (and above) for more details.
Elemental My Reflections
A few fun gift ideas using the Close To My Heart's Cricut Art philosophy cartridge (Z1686), and the Elemental paper package (X7141B)
This is great gift idea! It's a "bag" to hold cookies or ??? This was created from the 6" x 6" Kraft cards and stands on it's own!
Supplies used to create the Elemental ideas:
All Close To My Heart products!
Stamps sets: Hooray Bouquet stamp set (D1491) and Love Life (D1482)
Card Stocks: Kraft, Olive, Cocoa, Colonial White and Lagoon
Dark Chocolate Striped Grosgrain ribbon (Z1617)
Cocoa Collection Ribbon (Z1316)
Waxy Flax Chocolate (Z1081)
Antiqued Copper brads (Z1410)
Pewter Mini-Medleys (Z1487)
Bitty Sparkles (z1263)
Pin Clips (Z1612)
Supplies used to create the Elemental ideas:
All Close To My Heart products!
Stamps sets: Hooray Bouquet stamp set (D1491) and Love Life (D1482)
Card Stocks: Kraft, Olive, Cocoa, Colonial White and Lagoon
Dark Chocolate Striped Grosgrain ribbon (Z1617)
Cocoa Collection Ribbon (Z1316)
Waxy Flax Chocolate (Z1081)
Antiqued Copper brads (Z1410)
Pewter Mini-Medleys (Z1487)
Bitty Sparkles (z1263)
Pin Clips (Z1612)
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
November Club: Elemental
Don't miss out on this months club fun! At the November Club I will have ideas for the Elemental My Reflection: cards, boxes, scrapbook layouts and more!
Plan to attend the club gathering on Thursday November 11th, 6:30pm here at the Club House. Not a club member, no problem. Everyone is welcome, please come and bring a friend! Contact me directly for more information on attending or hosting your own CTMH gathering class.
Plan to attend the club gathering on Thursday November 11th, 6:30pm here at the Club House. Not a club member, no problem. Everyone is welcome, please come and bring a friend! Contact me directly for more information on attending or hosting your own CTMH gathering class.
Holiday Wishes
Close To My Heart has a great November Special for you! When you place a minimum order of $25 in My Acrylix®
stamp sets* between November 1–30, you can add a new D-size Holiday
Wishes stamp set for only $5! That’s a significant savings off the full
retail value of $17.95 US / $19.95 CAN. You may buy one Holiday Wishes
stamp set for every $25 in qualifying stamp sets* you purchase. As a
creative bonus, many of the images in the set coordinate with our Cricut® Art Philosophy cartridge for added cutting and stamping fun! Now making holiday cards and gifts is Faster, Simpler and Easier!
To place your order today click on the photo of this set on your left or contact me directly.
*Stamp of the Month, K-size customized name stamps, Cricut® Art Philosophy collection, and Workshops on the Go™ kits do not count toward a qualifying purchase. Tax and shipping apply.
To place your order today click on the photo of this set on your left or contact me directly.
*Stamp of the Month, K-size customized name stamps, Cricut® Art Philosophy collection, and Workshops on the Go™ kits do not count toward a qualifying purchase. Tax and shipping apply.
Monday, October 31, 2011
More Reasons to scrapbook!
A fun mother-daughter day at Disneyland! Just a few more reasons to scrapbook with my Close To My Heart papers and stamp sets!
Friday, October 28, 2011
Nov. Holiday Special!
Don't miss out on this great set! Get a Head Start on the Holiday Wishes Campaign!
Create fabulous holiday artwork using this $5.00 set, valued at $17.95. From now until November 30, for every $25 in My Acrylix® stamp sets you purchase, you can add on the new D-Size My Acrylix® Holiday Wishes set (CC1015) for just $5! Since many of the images coordinate with the Close To My Heart Cricut® Art Philosophy collection, you will be all set to create quick and easy handmade gifts and cards for the holiday season! This campaign is available through both my MyCTMH® site found by clicking on the shopping cart on the left of my main blog area; as well as through our *club gathering class and EZ Invite system. Don't miss out, order today! *Club members will receive their EZ Invites after Nov. 1
Create fabulous holiday artwork using this $5.00 set, valued at $17.95. From now until November 30, for every $25 in My Acrylix® stamp sets you purchase, you can add on the new D-Size My Acrylix® Holiday Wishes set (CC1015) for just $5! Since many of the images coordinate with the Close To My Heart Cricut® Art Philosophy collection, you will be all set to create quick and easy handmade gifts and cards for the holiday season! This campaign is available through both my MyCTMH® site found by clicking on the shopping cart on the left of my main blog area; as well as through our *club gathering class and EZ Invite system. Don't miss out, order today! *Club members will receive their EZ Invites after Nov. 1
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Autumn Organizing Tip!
organized this autumn with all your Close To My Heart products. Set
aside a little time to create an easy system to save time and get more
use of all your supplies!
I like the note book, three ring binder system. I guess it's more "ol' school", but I find it easy to use any where. I have divided my Templates notebook into sections; Orginals, Wishes and Magic.
In each section I have used page protectors as pockets to hold the
templates that are with each of the books. I have divided them up by the "page" as they are needed in each book.
The Magic book is easy to organize, as it is printed with the page number on each template.
Find a system that works for you, not you for it! Get organized and see how much easier it is to use more of your supplies, more often. You will find you are able to create more in less time.
Watch for next week's Autumn Organizing Tip when I show you how I have used my Close To My Heart stamp sets more! Happy Stampin'
*If you don't have any of the Close To My Heart card or scrapbook pattern books, you will want to order them! These are a "must have" in any stampers supplies. Be sure to click on the shopping cart on the left side of my blog to order today!
*If you don't have any of the Close To My Heart card or scrapbook pattern books, you will want to order them! These are a "must have" in any stampers supplies. Be sure to click on the shopping cart on the left side of my blog to order today!
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
October Club Create & Take
This tri fold holiday card was created at club last week.
Supplies: Believe Workshop On The Go
Inks: Holiday Red and black
Holiday Red marker
Stardust Glitz Gel
White floss
CTMH ruler
Sanding files
CTMH Art Philosophy Collection (Cricut cartridge)
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
A few October Club Samples
Believe Workshop on the Go
Inks: Black Archival Holiday Red Marker z2327
CTMH Ruler z1471
White floss z1096
Cranberry Brads z1361
Glitz Glitter Gel- Stardust z1313
Always: VersaMat, Piercing Tool Kit, Double Scrubber and stamp cleaner
White Daisy-Die Cut Cards
Stamps: A Holiday A1115 & 10 Things C1474
Card stock: Cocoa, Cranberry, White Daisy and New England Ivy
Inks: Cranberry, New England Ivy & Cocoa
Cricut Art Philosophy Collection
Glitz Glitter Gel- Stardust z1313
Designer Ribbon Red Collection z1615
(MS Score Board)
Dry Embossing Stylus z608
Always: VersaMat, Sanding Kit, Double Scrubber and stamp cleaner
Card stock: Desert Sand, Cranberry, White Daisy, Topiary, Honey and Sky
Inks: Desert Sand, Sky
Cricut Art Philosophy Collection
Glitz Glitter Gel- Stardust z1313
Designer Ribbon Red Collection z1615
Sparkles-Clear z1104
Bling Assortment z1466
Dry Embossing Stylus z608
(MS Score Board)
Always: VersaMat, Sanding Kit, Double Scrubber and stamp cleaner
Believe Workshop on the Go
Inks: Black Archival Holiday Red Marker z2327
CTMH Ruler z1471
White floss z1096
Cranberry Brads z1361
Glitz Glitter Gel- Stardust z1313
Always: VersaMat, Piercing Tool Kit, Double Scrubber and stamp cleaner
White Daisy-Die Cut Cards
Stamps: A Holiday A1115 & 10 Things C1474
Card stock: Cocoa, Cranberry, White Daisy and New England Ivy
Inks: Cranberry, New England Ivy & Cocoa
Cricut Art Philosophy Collection
Glitz Glitter Gel- Stardust z1313
Designer Ribbon Red Collection z1615
(MS Score Board)
Dry Embossing Stylus z608
Always: VersaMat, Sanding Kit, Double Scrubber and stamp cleaner
Card stock: Desert Sand, Cranberry, White Daisy, Topiary, Honey and Sky
Inks: Desert Sand, Sky
Cricut Art Philosophy Collection
Glitz Glitter Gel- Stardust z1313
Designer Ribbon Red Collection z1615
Sparkles-Clear z1104
Bling Assortment z1466
Dry Embossing Stylus z608
(MS Score Board)
Always: VersaMat, Sanding Kit, Double Scrubber and stamp cleaner
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
October Project WorkShop
Holiday fun is in the air! Make 6 Holiday cards for only $10.00! I will provide the pre-cut cards, supplies and directions! Come and have fun with your friends on Wed . October 26 morning or evening. Sign up for one or two kits. Complete them on the PWS day or set up a day that works for you, or have your kit mailed to you for only $5.00 s/h. Please contact me for more information :o)
New Ruler!
CTMH's new Ruler! Have you used the new CTMH ruler? It has guide holes for evenly spaced stitching, metal straight edge for use with your craft knife, and 1" grid marks. If you don't have one yet; be sure to order yours this month!
Ruler (Z1417) $9.95 (+ sh & tax)
To order this or any CTMH product; go to the chopping cart on the left of my blog :o)
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